Food – Caldo Herreño from Islas Canarias

Caldo Herreño​

My wife and I travelled extensively through Spain, often using the network of Parador hotels. The food was sometimes a bit hit-or-miss, but it was always interesting to try some of the local specialities.

Recently I found a few recipes published by the Paradors in 2009, and I found this recipe which we tried in the Parador of El Hierro (Islas Canarias).

Caldo Herreño

I’m not sure if it is a well known dish from the islands, but it’s a kind of broth using a local cheese (queso herreño). I remember it being very warming, tasty and quite filling.

If you check it out on the Web, you will see it can look quite different from one restaurant to another, and not always that appetising.

The recipe from the Parador

Parador Caldo Herreño

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